By now we are sure that you are all aware that there are two significant actions that can help reduce your home heating and cooling bills – regular scheduled maintenance and a programmable thermostat.
But, you might ask yourself, am I leaving any cash on the table if I stop here?
Simply, yes!
A professional organization such as Heating, Air conditioning & Ventilation is a terrific resource of simple, easy to initiate money saving tips. Did you know that closing the drapes or shutters over large windows and glass doors will help to form a barrier against heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer?
And, if you have one or two individual room air conditioners rather than a central air conditioning system, try to remember to close all heating system vents so the cool air isn’t wasted. Chances are, you may have a house with a room or two that is rarely used; close the vents in these rooms and shut the doors (most of the time).
Also, aim the vents of room air conditioners upward for better air circulation; cold air is heavier, denser and naturally settles downward. With central air conditioning systems, adjust the floor registers so the air is also blowing upwards and make sure the outside portion of any air conditioning system is not in direct sunlight or blocked from free airflow.
A wood burning fireplace can be an appealing feature in a home. However, when not in use, consider keeping the damper closed. If not, heated or cooled air that your efficient system has worked so hard to produce will be sucked out through the chimney.
At Heating, Air Conditioning & Ventilation they want to help you make informed decisions when it comes to the comfort and enjoyment of your home. With expert staff and second-to-none service, they can provide all your residential, commercial or institutional heating and cooling solutions. For more information, visit