In today’s air-tight homes, indoor air quality is a growing concern. Most household dust contains dust mites, mold, mildew, pollen, and animal dander. Many of these contaminants are circulated through the central air systems in most homes and can aggravate the symptoms of asthma and allergies.
How can these contaminants be removed from the air duct systems? Our team of knowledgeable professionals at A-Plus Air have combined their proven techniques with the Rotobrush Air Duct Cleaning System.
This advanced cleaning method is the only one available that brushes and vacuums at the point of contact, eliminating the use of harsh chemicals such as sealers. You are left with the assurance of fresh, clean and virtually contaminant-free air in your home and office.
Download our Rotobrush® Air Duct Cleaning System brochure to learn more.